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You have to pay a pitch price and a person price both

Person prices (daily)

  • from 31/08 to 30/06:

  • from 01/07 to 31/08:

  • Kids (under 12 year old) always:


Pitch prices (daily)

  • from 31/08 to 30/06:

  • from 01/07 to 31/08:​


€ 8,00

€ 10,00

€ 5,00



€ 8,00

€ 10,00

Camping  - Holiday Park

"Osservatorio" di Berrino Teresa & C. s.n.c.

Strada vicinale Chiappino 4 - 16016 Cogoleto (GE) - Italy

C.F. e P.IVA 01440730990

Web designed by 

Colophon PiCo Nero su Trasparente per WE
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